Custom Planters

Custom Made Planters and Planter Boxes
With over 30 years of producing commercial-quality indoor and outdoor planters, we’ve helped countless landscape architects, interior designers, contractors, design professionals, and even homeowners create custom planters in all shapes, sizes, materials, and colors. Our custom planter capabilities are indeed “unlimited”! Plus we don't have minimum order requirements!
Custom Quality, No Minimum Orders
We’re absolute experts at creating well-made, well-designed custom planters for those looking for a product that will stand up to
harsh conditions and still look great for decades to come.
When you order with us, there’s no need for a minimum purchase order. We’ll gladly create any number of custom planters for your project. Whether you need 1 or 100, we’ll create a highly functional and tough single planter or a large set of planters according to your specifications!
If you have a custom planter project and want to work with a friendly, capable and creative team - at no extra charge - we’d love to hear from you! Please call our friendly, creative, and capable team at 1-888-320-0626 or contact us to request a quote online!